Biggest Lie When Treating Parasites

One size fits all. (WRONG!)

We KNOW this, but we act as though this is true.

It doesn’t… There is no one pill quick fix that addresses all parasites. There are so many different parasites and different life cycles and you need to target them all.

Taking ivermectin and thinking you’re liberated from these soul-sucking varmants?

I wish it were that easy.

Parasite cleansing and the necessary steps that come along with it are discussed  AT LENGTH in my Whole Body Restorative.

Comment APPLY below for more information! I’ll even send you my free masterclass about addressing the root causes behind IBS, weight gain, fatigue, and brain fog.

These are obvious symptoms of your body saying that you need help. Comment APPLY to learn more!

Published by TheGutDetoxCoach

As a Functional Medicine Gut Detox Coach, I help my clients address health through a ROOT CAUSE approach full body detox. GI issues like bloat, constipation, food issues, as well as anxiety, fatigue, and other chronic health issues can be addressed.