Parasites: The ONE Fix Solution.

“Just do some coffee enemas and you’ll remove your parasites…”

BIG problem with this statement…

I find that they can be in our large intestine, small intestine, liver, and other areas of the body.

Parasite cleansing needs to be a systemic, whole body approach.

For instance, they can hatch over 25,000 eggs in your liver’s bile ducts.

We can have liver flukes, tapeworms, roundworms, pinworms, etc. Most of them are microscopic, but we DO have large ones in our bodies.

Have you ever tried to or thought to do a parasite cleanse?

Published by TheGutDetoxCoach

As a Functional Medicine Gut Detox Coach, I help my clients address health through a ROOT CAUSE approach full body detox. GI issues like bloat, constipation, food issues, as well as anxiety, fatigue, and other chronic health issues can be addressed.