Put my Coffee … Where??

I LOVE coffee. I’ve actually always loved coffee, but it NEVER loved me. Meaning?

Upset stomach, adrenal crashing, bad gas, …

I can officially say that my body does just fine with coffee, both drinking it and … irrigating with it. WHAT?

Yes…when onlookers think I’m making my morning coffee, they sometimes realize that it’s not going into my morning mug (it’s going into my enema bag).

YUP! Coffee enemas, folks. No beating around the bush here.

Coffee enemas are an EXCELLENT option when it comes to detoxifying the liver.

In general, coffee enemas are highly effective when attempting to detox the body, since the liver filters through most toxins in the body; the liver is the LIFE LINE for detox, hormones, drainage, etc. 

Another highly beneficial part of using coffee enemas is that they’re helpful in support of addressing those parasitic infections I’m crazy about (liver flukes, roundworms, etc) which can also hold onto toxins and cause that thick and sludgy bile. Stagnation breeds infection, so open up pathways and move bile to change how you feel! 

(If you’re not already targeting parasites, I’d love to help you further with this in my 6 Month Whole Body Restorative!)

Published by TheGutDetoxCoach

As a Functional Medicine Gut Detox Coach, I help my clients address health through a ROOT CAUSE approach full body detox. GI issues like bloat, constipation, food issues, as well as anxiety, fatigue, and other chronic health issues can be addressed.