Don’t Eat These

Although this article is set in the context of gallbladder and liver health, these foods really just affect you systemically. So… foods that contribute to a damaged gallbladder (and then so much more?): fried foods, hydrogenated oils, sugar, processed junk, conventional dairy, and gluten.

YES. I know… the cookies, the ice cream, the chips, the pasta, the fries…

You think that you have to give all of these up in order to get healthy again and to a point, this is true.

In my 6 month full body restorative, we enjoy cookies, ice cream, chips, and fries while still losing weight, building a strong and resilient body, and tapping into our body’s natural abilities to heal itself (it’s how God fashioned us)!

And as a coach, I’m an 80-20 gal. What I mean by that is 80% of the time you’re eating healthy and 20% you’re splurging in a way that fuels you socially, emotionally, and all other ways. We’re social beings and should be able to enjoy and relax. But the good news is that we are still able to enjoy these ‘cheat foods’ without them being in the cheat category. Basically, they’ll be good and nourishing to our bodies.

What is your most difficult food to give up because you love it just too darned much?

Published by TheGutDetoxCoach

As a Functional Medicine Gut Detox Coach, I help my clients address health through a ROOT CAUSE approach full body detox. GI issues like bloat, constipation, food issues, as well as anxiety, fatigue, and other chronic health issues can be addressed.