Keto Paleo Flapjacks

Do you remember growing up and eating your Mom’s or Dad’s special flapjacks🥞? Or perhaps every Sunday you would go out to the local diner and order a nice stack for breakfast🧇?

I remember always making my specialty pancakes for the holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Father’s Day, etc. At the time, they were SUPER HEALTHY whole wheat pancakes with blueberries🫐, raspberries, bananas🍌, real maple syrup, and whipped cream (these were actually a specialty for my Dad). They were stuffed with all the good things and hot, fluffy, and juicy😋.

Little did I know that years later I would learn about the problems with non-organic berries, dairy, and gluten🗣.

Definitely a game changer.

Since my current diet is a modified paleo diet (includes legumes and organic corn🌽), my meals tend to be more creative and nutritious than your typical dish. Without my culinary creativity and knowledge, I would probably give up trying to make hot, fluffy pancakes🥞.

But there are so many ways that you can create a dish! So if you want peanut butter pad thai, chicken🍗 parmesan, or a plate of pancakes, but follow a specific diet, there’s a recipe for you! And it can still be crunchy, chewy, or soft and doughy🫓.

I understand the miss out on textural differences. So one of my goals is to be versatile in it, while on a modified paleo diet.

The paleo pancakes I enjoy are pretty simple and worth a try! The recipe is below.
– 1/3 cup coconut flour🥥
– 1.5 Tbsp chia seeds
– 2/3 cup coconut milk
– 4 eggs🥚
– 1 Tbsp coconut oil
– 1 tsp vanilla extract (I use organic, alcohol free)
– 1 tsp cinnamon
– dash of: nutmeg, cloves, ginger, and cardamom

1. Mix all dry ingredients together.
2. Mix all wet ingredients together. Make sure to whip it well, to incorporate air.
3. Mix wet and dry ingredients together thoroughly. Using an immersion blender may help further whip air into the batter.
4. Add coconut oil or ghee to the pan and melt in a skillet on medium heat.
5. Once hot, pour pancake batter into skillet and flip once bubbly.
* DO NOT press down with the spatula; this will flatten them. Be patient; they will cook!🥞
6. Serve hot with fresh or cooked fruit, jam, preserves maple syrup, raw honey, or plain! You are the chef; have fun with it!
1. Too thin? Add 1-2 more Tbsp of coconut flour.
2. Not binding well? Add another 1/2 – 1 Tbsp chia seeds.
3. Not sweet enough? You can add sugar; I add my sugar on top in fruit form and allow the vanilla, spices, and coconut to do the natural sweetening.

Fun Facts
When I create a dish, I am not only thinking about flavor, but also nutrient density. What makes these pancakes so great? A few things, really. First of all, they are ⭐dairy, grain, and nut free⭐, for anyone with those allergies. These pancakes also pack a lot of good sources of fat (coconut, egg, ghee, chia) as well as a good source of magnesium (chia seeds).

We need good sources of fats and proteins in our diet; without fat, we would be a puddle of nothing💧. Fat provides cholesterol which is the structural component of a lot of our hormones and cell membranes. These pancakes are also great for regulating blood sugar levels since they have a high source of protein, little to no sugars or starches to cause a crash later in the morning, and help regulate blood sugar levels via the cinnamon. I could go on, but I think I’ll leave you with that for now😉.

Published by TheGutDetoxCoach

As a Functional Medicine Gut Detox Coach, I help my clients address health through a ROOT CAUSE approach full body detox. GI issues like bloat, constipation, food issues, as well as anxiety, fatigue, and other chronic health issues can be addressed.