IBS & Chronic Health Issues? Detox Matters.

So what is Detoxification? Detoxification (detox for short) is the process of binding, removing, or neutralizing toxins from your body. Toxins can include things like heavy metals, plastics, chemicals, metabolic byproducts, etc. The initial detox process can take many months (sometimes years) before becoming of basic maintenance to maintain optimal health. An effective detox protocolContinueContinue reading “IBS & Chronic Health Issues? Detox Matters.”

Put my Coffee … Where??

I LOVE coffee. I’ve actually always loved coffee, but it NEVER loved me. Meaning? Upset stomach, adrenal crashing, bad gas, … I can officially say that my body does just fine with coffee, both drinking it and … irrigating with it. WHAT? Yes…when onlookers think I’m making my morning coffee, they sometimes realize that it’sContinueContinue reading “Put my Coffee … Where??”

Parasites: The ONE Fix Solution.

“Just do some coffee enemas and you’ll remove your parasites…” BIG problem with this statement… I find that they can be in our large intestine, small intestine, liver, and other areas of the body. Parasite cleansing needs to be a systemic, whole body approach. For instance, they can hatch over 25,000 eggs in your liver’sContinueContinue reading “Parasites: The ONE Fix Solution.”

Parasite Cleansing: one of my TOP tips.

Have you heard? You need to be flushing your liver and gallbladder to move things out during a detox. How? Okay, prepare yourself… Coffee enemas. This is NOT taking your typical cup of joe and flushing with that. You need: Clean water Organic enema coffee Appropriate amounts The right setup Proper timing Added help CoffeeContinueContinue reading “Parasite Cleansing: one of my TOP tips.”

Parasites: One of the Biggest Mistakes

This is such and important topic! One of the biggest mistakes when treating parasites? Not opening elimination pathways. Think about it. Parasites release toxins when they are attacked and killed. In fact, these toxins can be worse than the actual parasite! Crazy, I know… How does the body remove these toxins? Think about how youContinueContinue reading “Parasites: One of the Biggest Mistakes”