Biggest Lie When Treating Parasites

One size fits all. (WRONG!) We KNOW this, but we act as though this is true. It doesn’t… There is no one pill quick fix that addresses all parasites. There are so many different parasites and different life cycles and you need to target them all. Taking ivermectin and thinking you’re liberated from these soul-suckingContinueContinue reading “Biggest Lie When Treating Parasites”

How Do you Know if you have Parasites?

How do you know that you have parasites? Here’s just a few symptoms: Digestive issues Hair loss from iron deficiency (guess who loves iron?) Multiple food sensitivities Cravings for sugar and processed foods. Feeling adrenal fatigue no matter what you do Rashes, acne and other skin issues Hormone imbalances Migraines or headaches periodically or evenContinueContinue reading “How Do you Know if you have Parasites?”

There’s FUNGUS Inside My Body?

Yes, but it’s actually a normal resident of your body. Your immune system ideally keeps it in check (aka keeps it at healthy levels) and it actually DOES serve the body! But what we typically see is an overgrowth of Candida or yeast which manifests itself in many ways: Obvious fungal infection (skin, tongue, vaginal)ContinueContinue reading “There’s FUNGUS Inside My Body?”

Your Alimentary Canal: Your Gut.

I’m sorry, your WHAT? It all starts from your mouth and ends at the ‘exit’. And everything about your gut from your mouth to esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine are OUTSIDE the body. Meaning that any large matter within is to exit. And our gallbladder, liver, and pancreas help with digestion! But thenContinueContinue reading “Your Alimentary Canal: Your Gut.”

Your Body Makes this to Detoxify

Glutathione: An awesome detoxifier that our liver creates. In fact, it’s considered the master antioxidant in the body. How cool is that? But what impairs glutathione production? Poor diet (processed foods, high sugars) Heavy metals (lead, mercury, aluminum) Molds and hidden infections External toxins Constant stress Lack of movement You may think that your bodyContinueContinue reading “Your Body Makes this to Detoxify”