“What ARE Those Floating in the Toilet?”

The words asked by a client after doing a gallbladder flush. You bet it is: gallstones. Our bodies can actually hold onto a few to 100’s of gallstones. I’ve got itty bitty baby ones out to ones the size of a dime(!!)  Why do a gallbladder flush? The better your gallbladder functions, the better digestion,ContinueContinue reading ““What ARE Those Floating in the Toilet?””

Are You One of the Many?

Seriously ask yourself: Do any of the following apply to me and my health? Hormone imbalance? Messed up metabolism? Faulty digestion? Weight Gain? Facial breakouts? PMS problems? More immunity? Fatigue? High liver enzymes? One of your hardest working organs needs help!  Any guesses? Your liver aka the largest internal organ in your body. The liverContinueContinue reading “Are You One of the Many?”

Gallbladder Supporting Foods

Here are just some foods that support a healthy gallbladder: healthy nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables, dandelion, beets, healthy fats, ACV, lemon juice, and high fiber foods, overall. Thankfully, God created foods that are specific to detoxification and organ support. When we’re talking about the gallbladder, these are just a few that can reallyContinueContinue reading “Gallbladder Supporting Foods”

Solutions to a Bad Gallbaldder?

There are a TON of things that you can do! Gallbladder flush, anti-inflammatory diet, high fiber foods, herbs (like bitters), enzymes, bile stimulating support, toxin removal Here are just a few of my favorite things to help stimulate and support the gallbladder. (Fortunately, these have a benefit on other parts of the body as well!)ContinueContinue reading “Solutions to a Bad Gallbaldder?”

Bad Gallbladder Causes

Gallbladder malfunctions can be the result of obesity, poor dieting, losing weight too fast (so yes if you had a lot of weight before, you’re not exempt!), OBC (speaking from experience!), food allergies (which is really just a symptom of gut imbalances), parasites, … These are just a few causative factors toward a dysfunctional gallbladder.ContinueContinue reading “Bad Gallbladder Causes”